Leigh Trust

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A. Ward - Chair of Trustees & Member of the Education & Standards Committee

Mrs Ward is delighted to have joined the Board of Directors at Leigh Trust. Her association with Leigh Trust began through her involvement with Marlborough School where she was chair of the Interim Executive Board, and subsequently a school governor. Mrs Ward believes passionately that every child should be given the best start possible in life and a good education is a right not a privilege.  A solid education is the building block to ensure that as a child grows into adulthood, he or she achieve their best potential. Having served as a City Councillor for 20 years, one of Mrs Wards roles, including being the Chair of the Education and Vulnerable Children Overview and Scrutiny Committee was to oversee, scrutinise and challenge the Council’s performance on issues which included School Improvement, Special Educational Needs, Education Welfare & Inclusion and Children’s Social Services; she also served as the City’s Lord Mayor. Mrs Ward currently work for a third sector organisation involved in achieving better live outcomes for people and their local communities by tackling health & social inequalities.