Leigh Trust

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D. Griffiths

Mr Griffiths became a Parent Governor at Plantsbrook School in Sutton Coldfield when his eldest child started secondary education. Having Chaired, in turn, both Curriculum and Finance Sub-Committees he was elected Chair of the full Governing Body. He remained in that role when Plantsbrook converted to Academy Status. When Plantsbrook became a MAT in November 2014 he gave up that role and was appointed Chair of Trustees of Plantsbrook Learning Trust, a position he relinquished at the end of the summer term after 24 years, though he remains a Member of the Trust. 

At various other times he has Chaired two IEBs, been a member of the Birmingham Governor Network Executive Committee and still serves on the Local Authority’s LA Governor selection panel. Mt Griffiths previously Chaired the Local Governing Bodies of both Alston and Wyndcliffe schools within Leigh Trust, though now that both schools are no longer in Special Measures he has given up those positions. He is currently Vice-chair of Directors of Leigh Trust and also a Member of the rust. Mr Griffiths completed the “Chairs Leadership and Development Programme” run by Birmingham under licence from Edgehill College and was formerly a National Leader of Governance. 

Initially, a Science Teacher, Mr Griffiths changed career in 1983 becoming an Independent Financial Advisor, specialising in Pensions and Investments. Mr Griffiths was previously a Magistrate in Birmingham which he found rewarding and thoroughly enjoyed. He retired in 2009 and now enjoys music, golf, crosswords and holidays abroad. Mr Griffiths recently retired from his position as Chair of the Board and became a Member in November 2021.